Our latest update focuses on several important Positively Forward initiatives.

Firstly, Positively Forward has finally launched a new website to succeed the one which served Positively NO so well during the referendum campaign. Working with a clever and efficient (and patient!) local website designer, we are now to be found at https://positivelyforward.ca.

Second, we are especially proud of our report on CRD service delivery, a timely,  informative and constructive study. We encourage you to read it as you deliberate  about who should be our next CRD director.

Positively Forward asks you to consider who is the best qualified candidate to implement the recommendations for change contained in this report. Determine who has the experience, breadth of knowledge about CRD matters and proven track record that make him the superior choice.

Capital Regional District (CRD) Service Delivery Report

Positively Forward is pleased to announce the release of its report, “Improving Capital Regional District(CRD) Service Delivery on Salt Spring Island: options for positive change”.

A Positively Forward team of researchers, writers and their editor worked for more than ten months to complete the 44-page report. Their work is based, in large part, on the analysis and observations provided by 32 people, all of whom have first-hand experience working with or for the CRD. These include current or former CRD directors and staff members, as well as current or former CRD commissioners, local service commissioners and consultants to the CRD.Their information was collected from in-depth personal interviews and through questionnaires.

The report’s intent is to serve as a community tool in two ways:

  • to foster informed dialogue about how CRD services are delivered on Salt Spring;
  • and to provide a roadmap for potential changes to improve delivery of those services.

The report looks at what is working well and investigates what is not and why.  It is designed as a blueprint for change in those areas of service delivery where deficiencies have been identified. The research has been extensive and the writers are, sometimes, blunt in conveying their findings. The aim of this report is in no way to discredit the CRD on Salt Spring, but rather to demonstrate the rationale for initiating some changes.

The report lists thirteen recommendations for positive change including:

  • the formation of  a locally-elected CRD Local Community Commission (LCC)
  • the preparation of a public, up-dated CRD Work Plan listing projects, overall priorities, funding and status of each project, along with the Commission and CRD staff person responsible
  • and the creation of an inter-agency working group to improve the coordination of community services among the CRD, Islands Trust and other agencies

To read or download the full report or its summary and conclusions, go to our new website.
A printed copy is also available at the library.
And at Apple Photo.

We welcome questions and feedback on the report at info@positivelyforward.ca.

Local Elections October 20, 2018

You may have been wondering what other actions Positively Forward is taking during the election campaign. Currently, members of the organizing committee are holding informal, getting-to-know you meetings with all of the electoral candidates. The goal is to find out about  the positions and philosophies of  each candidate on key issues affecting our community and its governance. We are, of course, especially interested in finding out which of the candidates holds values and principles relating to local governance most closely aligned with those of Positively Forward.

After these meetings, we hope to be able to share our findings with you in the form of candidate profiles. We believe the more information you have on October 20th, the wiser your voting decisions.

Voting information

GENERAL VOTING will be open to qualified electors of the Capital Regional District on Saturday, October 20, 2018 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, at:

Salt Spring Island

  • Community Gospel Chapel, 147 Vesuvius Bay Road, Ganges
  • Fulford Hall Seniors Centre, 2591 Fulford-Ganges Road, Fulford
  • Salt Spring Public Library, 129 McPhillips Avenue, Ganges
  • Piers Island Fire Hall, #116 McKenzie Crescent, Piers Island
  • Richmond Secondary School, 7171 Minoru Boulevard, Richmond, BC

ADVANCE VOTING opportunities will be available on Wednesday, October 10, 2018 and Wednesday, October 17, 2018 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, at:

  • Community Gospel Chapel, 147 Vesuvius Bay Road, Ganges
  • Salt Spring Public Library, 129 McPhillips Avenue, Ganges
  • Mary Winspear Centre, 2243 Beacon Avenue, Sidney

Please forward this email to anyone you think may be interested. 
The newsletter signup form can be found here.