Local election day is October 15. Please help get the word out.

The next four years will be a pivotal time everywhere, including on Salt Spring. Building local resilience to the challenges ahead is crucial. The key decisions that Salt Spring voters will make are as follows:

  • Trustees for Islands Trust (two positions)
  • Salt Spring CRD director (one position)
  • Referendum to establish a Local Community Commission (LCC) vote YES or NO
  • Trustees for School Board (two positions)

Below is a summary of Positively Forward’s deliberations on the first three of the above. We did not review School Board issues or candidates.

Which Trustees for Islands Trust?

Given the combined threats of continued inappropriate development and the potentially grave impacts of climate change on our natural, economic and social environment, it is of the utmost consequence to have collaborative and responsive leadership whose decisions are guided by the core values of the Trust mandate to “preserve and protect the trust area and its unique amenities and environment”. To elect candidates who would do otherwise is to jeopardize our community’s sustainable future.

We ask that you consider voting for the two Trust candidates whom we think will honour the Trust mandate in their decision making.

Positively Forward endorses the candidacy of Elissa Poole.

Elissa has deep roots on Salt Spring, is a conservationist who also understands the need for affordable housing, and is running to ensure that the Trust continues to make protecting the environment a priority. To learn more about Elissa, go to her website.

We also support Gary Gagné, a retired marine officer, boat builder and farmer with a deep commitment to environmental protection. To learn more about Gary, read his bio.

Salt Spring CRD Director

Positively Forward is endorsing Gary Holman for re-election as CRD Director. We think Gary is a deeply experienced CRD veteran whose successful track record speaks for itself.

LCC Referendum

Positively Forward has supported the concept of a Local Community Commission (LCC) for several years. The Bylaw to establish the LCC provides Salt Spring with the necessary local authority we had been hoping for. Reasons to vote YES include:

• Four local elected representatives with significant authority.
• More streamlined and cost effective delivery of services.
• Elimination of decision-making silos – one elected commission rather than numerous separate commissions.

For more info, visit the LCC Salt Spring website.
We strongly encourage you to vote YES for an LCC.


Voting Information


Saturday, October 15, 2022, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, at:

  • Community Gospel Chapel, 147 Vesuvius Bay Road, Salt Spring Island, BC
  • Fulford Hall Seniors’ Centre, 2591 Fulford Ganges Road, Salt Spring Island,
  • BC Salt Spring Island Public Library, 129 McPhillips Avenue, Salt Spring Island, BC


Wednesday, October 5, 2022 and Wednesday, October 12, 2022 from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, at:

  • Community Gospel Chapel, 147 Vesuvius Bay Road, Salt Spring Island, BC
  • Salt Spring Island Public Library, 129 McPhillips Avenue, Salt Spring Island, BC

Elector Qualifications

You are entitled to vote as a Resident Elector if you are 18 years or older on general voting day, are a Canadian Citizen and have resided in British Columbia for the past six months. If registering on voting day, you must provide two documents proving identity and residency (one must have a signature).