The New Year is here and our resounding victory in October’s LCC referendum brings a new challenge: electing four competent LCC Commissioners to work with CRD Director Gary Holman. The election date is May 27, which leaves very little time. Positively Forward worked through November and December of 2022 engaging with potential candidates, which gives us a head start. But we cannot succeed without your help. Specifically, right now we need to find:

  • One or two volunteers comfortable using social media to help with outreach communications in March, April, May.
  • A volunteer with Word Press and/or MailChimp skills available now through May for two or three hours every two weeks to help keep our soon-to-be-updated website current and to send out our newsletters.

If you, or anyone in your network, have any of the above skills and are willing to help, that would be AWESOME! Email to let us know.

AND one more request, would you be willing to invite one or two friends to join our email list?

Positively Forward’s research and advocacy influence many islanders who support the protection of our island and the separation of Islands Trust land use planning from CRD service delivery. BUT the reality is, we need more bench strength to get the job done in the forthcoming election. Please volunteer if you are able and feel you can make a contribution at this important time in local governance reform.

We know there are many islanders not on this email list who share Positively Forward’s objectives for improved governance, the protection of natural systems, and the separation of land use planning from service delivery. Please ask your friends if they already receive our emails, and if they do not, invite them to join our email list by forwarding this email. Joining our list is easy, just email with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

Many, many thanks for all your work,

The Positively Forward team