On May 27, islanders will elect the first four Commissioners to the new CRD Local Community Commission (LCC).  Of the 15 candidates running for the four positions, Gayle Baker, Earl Rook and Brian Webster have our enthusiastic support.

Gayle Baker and Brian Webster were instrumental in developing the original proposal for an LCC, both have served on CRD commissions and have a deep understanding of Salt Spring’s local governance.  Both are deeply committed to the success of the LCC and have strong collaborative skills. Positively Forward has been advocating for an elected CRD Local Community Commission (LCC) since 2018 as a means to bring improvements to local governance and during that time we have worked with Gayle and Brian to help get the LCC bylaws in place and finally approved by islanders in the October 2022 referendum. Gayle and Brian continue to impress us with their in-depth knowledge of CRD infrastructure and services, the potential for the new LCC, and the strategic decisions that must be made by the elected Commissioners in the initial months. We could not wish for stronger candidates — Positively Forward is very grateful that they agreed to run for election.

Earl Rook has many years of experience managing complex organisations in both the public and private sectors, is a local POD leader and a member of the Salt Spring Emergency Program POD Planning Group, and is active in a number of local groups, including SSI Garden Club (president), Island Wildlife Natural Care Centre, Bandemonium Concert Band, Swing Shift, and SSI Sailing Club. Earl is running for election because he understands the necessity for this new elected body and is strongly committed to its success. We believe he has the experience and the collaborative skills to help make it so—Positively Forward is pleased to support such a well-qualified candidate.

If you agree with our assessment, please visit their campaign websites:

Gayle Baker           Brian Webster           Earl Rook

and offer your support for these three remarkable candidates.

UPDATED May 3, 2023 to include support for Earl Rook’s candidacy.